Why do you need Test Lifecycle Management

We’re living in a time period where we have integrated software tools and apps into every aspect of our digital lives to enable a better way of living. The products we use are no longer designed using pen and paper with slide rules and an abacus. Computer-Aided Design and Simulation Tools as well as Rapid Prototyping Methods have increased the pace of development tenfold. So why are so many test groups still living in the dark ages?

More often than not, your test teams are using a myriad of inadequate software tools strung together and still relying on pen & paper for record-keeping. Think I’m kidding? Ask to see how your test groups are recording their information in their datasheets and vehicle setup specs. Test Operators & Technicians are still recording all these test details and data output by hand, requiring an additional step of data entry or worse yet, ignoring important pieces of information for lack of having a proper way of accounting for everything. All Test data is as good as gold and we shouldn’t overlook even innocuous details that can play a factor in a resulting pass or fail of a test due to a nuanced error in test setup.

The reality is most test teams don’t know there is a Test Lifecycle Management solution.

The Grim Reality…

And ask your Test Engineers how long it takes them to write their test reports. I bet they’ll tell you it takes them as much as 4 times as long to write their reports as it takes to run the test in the first place. Test Engineers love running tests but hate writing reports.

With any new project it’s important to get a pulse check on the present status of all your tests and what issues have been uncovered. If you don’t already have a fully integrated Test Lifecycle management tool, you’ll be forced to chase down bits of information from multiple people and multiple sources as you try to string together the full story of the health of your test program.

And for those test teams that have moved into the 20th century (but not quite into the 21st) and have found some software tools to meet their needs, ask them how many different software tools they have to utilize to even get close to being able to have an end-to-end process accomplished. My guess is they’ll cite as many as a dozen different tools with an overreliance on MS Excel that will shock you.

Don’t get me wrong, some of these tools are good at what they were designed for. But not a single one was designed with a focus on the Test & Development process. And by stringing together a dozen different inadequate tools creates a maze of processes for you and your test teams to navigate.

All this results in extra time and resources to accomplish the job in a less than efficient manner. This is real, tangible waste, not something theoretical.

The Good News…

Step into the 21st Century… TITAN Test Lifecycle Management Software is the only tool you need for a comprehensive single-source user environment to manage the entire end-to-end Test Process. No more having to use dozens of different software tools, TITAN replaces them all, keeping everything in sync in one secure environment. Every input made by each user is tracked and adds to the full story of the test from its initial concept to final completion and remains readily available as historical records. All this valuable information is right there in the same place and easily accessed.

And for your Engineers who hate writing Test Reports, they will rave over TITAN’s ability to automate much of your formal Test Reports with information already collected throughout the process. TITAN’s KPI Reports feature enables you to monitor your test progress and track issues discovered on the test. You can view overall progress by an individual or collective tests, issues generated on tests and their open/closed status, Issues assigned to groups or individuals, and quickly find where your attention needs to be focused. Learn more about how TITAN can benefit various users at https://testlifecycle.com

Request a demo and see it Titan in action

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